Ghost Rider: Trail of Tears Back a couple of October's ago, I covered one of my favorite horror themed comics, Ghost Rider: Road to Damnation, which featured the return of classic Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze as he found himself caught in a war between Heaven and Hell. The comic was created by a team that definitely grabbed people's attention.... Continue Reading →

Spider-Man: Vengeance of Venom Last year for Spider-Man month I covered the collection Birth of Venom, and I highly recommend you check out that review first as it leads directly into this one. But let me give you some highlights to help ya out anyway. In the 80s, Spider-Man returned from the Secret Wars with his now famous... Continue Reading →

Wytches Comics writer Scott Snyder has become perhaps best known for his revival of Batman during DC’s New 52, but his career really took off thanks to the independent horror comic American Vampire. Which I may cover some day but man… it’s a long comic. Both of those series show Snyder’s interest in the horror... Continue Reading →

Gotham Academy (Video Review)

Gotham Academy is a prestigious private boarding school on the outskirts of Gotham City, where the who's who of Gotham society send their kids to get a world class education, presumably in learning how to be supervillains. I mean, this is Gotham after all. Those supervillains got to be coming from somewhere.  The series was... Continue Reading →

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